Projects in Hong Kong 2020
Spring 2020
The Pacific Rim Urban Resilience by Design is a 4-year multi-disciplinary project focused on comparative analysis and design of regions and sites surrounding the Pearl River Delta and the San Francisco Bay. The combination of research seminars and design studios offers a unique collaboration between the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Architecture and the UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design. The focus of the research studios and seminars is improving Pacific Rim urban resilience through urban policy, planning, and design to help these metropolitan regions adapt to climate change by becoming more energy-efficient and livable for residents. Hong Kong is grappling with the emergent challenges of climate change and potential policy, planning and design responses while experts in the Bay Area have also been working to develop design strategies related to resilience. Our objective is to study, speculate, and offer prototypical design strategies in four areas of resilience planning that hold the potential to move public discussion forward in both metropolitan regions. Please click here for more details. |
2019 Hong Kong Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture 2019 香港城市\建築雙年展
Conversation #8 | De-Mystifying Competitions A successful design competition means much more than just selecting a designer for a project. Starting from the beginning of the process, a well-defined brief can do much more than communicating the physical requirements of the project to the competitors, it can also help to refine the organisation’s vision. An effective and integrated submission, judging, selection and feedback process can not only identify new talents but also help these talents grow regardless of the results. Further, by extending the competition process beyond selecting the winner, advice and reviews by the judging panel at strategic points of the development and procurement stages can ensure the spirit of the project conceived at the beginning is delivered. The speakers and panelists will provide perspectives of how Hong Kong and other world cities can address the issue of design excellence where commercial and public factors align, and where qualitative aspirations and quantitative requirements matter equally. 成功的設計比賽不只為項目選擇合適的設計師,更講求一個詳盡仔細的評鑑流程。首先,我們必須構想明確的設計概要,此舉除了能把項目的實際需求傳遞給參加者外,更能完善主辦機構的願景; 而在提交方案、評審、挑選及回饋這一系列的比賽流程中,亦能發掘新人才能。此外,評審團於比賽過程中提出的策略性建議,能有效地確保比賽初期所設立的主導精神能體現於結果之中。講者會對香港及世界城市如何將卓越設計應用於商業及公共機構,並如何將有質素的設計量化實行等議題發表意見。 Please click here for Video of the Conversation. Please click here for UABB 2019 Facebook Page. |